Adventure Awaits

What does it feel like to march into the unknown? Our planet has been explored, there’s no new world waiting over the horizon. We know what lies across the sea. Thanks to television we can travel from the depths of our oceans to the tallest mountains without leaving the comfort of our home. We can visit the depths of rain forests and see the penguins at the South Pole with the click of a mouse.

Perhaps we’ll never know what it feels like to travel across the brink, and into the blanks of human knowledge. But does that stop us from wondering what’s out there? Because we can see it on a screen and read it on a page we feel like we know but no-one can really describe the feeling of the journey. The nervous expectation of actually leaving all their comfortable world behind to go see, and feel the planet for themselves.

What’s out there? What will I have to face in a journey of 3000 miles across deserts, over mountains, thru wind, and rain, and snow. I’ve heard the stories of the bears, and wolves, and moose. The cougars, snakes and mice. The brutal wind and lightning strikes. What will I eat, will there be water, how many times will I fall down and will I always have the strength to get back up. Will my desire be enough to carry me on as I burn and freeze, as I thirst? What beauty awaits in sand dunes, and mountain springs? In primeval boulders, and ancient trees? In Gila monsters and horny toads? The journey awaits and soon I’ll know….

2 Replies to “Adventure Awaits”

  1. How exciting! The journey begins again! I am so excited for you and a little nervous too! :-):-):-) So proud of you to step out there and live your dreams! God keep you in all you do and and in all your many miles you travel :-):-):-):-) mom

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