To Mammoth Lakes

So Friday the 19th I took the bus to Bishop. I got off and walked to the Hostel California and got a bunk in the dorm for 2 nights at 25 bucks a piece. It’s kind of a hold over from the hippy days lots of folks just chilling around not a bad spot for the price. I dropped my pack and walked to a nearby laundromat and washed my only set of clothes, I carry of a pair of swim trunks and a tshirt to wear in town while I do laundry.

4 Replies to “To Mammoth Lakes”

  1. Hi Wallace, I wrote you a little note in your previous blog, but just found this one. TY for your kind words toward us. We feel the same toward you. Will continue to check your blog and think on you…..
    Your ” gypsy souls” friend, Paul and Carmen

  2. Now that you got some mile on the PCT which of the crown is your favorite so far?

    1. Idk the ATs best for beginners and it’s fun. The CDT is insane and the most out there in the wild. The PCT is beautiful views but not as wild as the CDT I guess they’re all my fav in some way

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